Rodeo Games Ltd a successful mobile games developer.

The Problem

Having successfully launched three titles and embarking on the development of their fourth, Rodeo Games were in need of much more detailed cashflow forecasting. Despite fantastic disciplines within studio, there was a need for more financial information with which to manage the business and plan for future funding needs. They were receiving monthly accounts but had limited insight into their cashflow and their ability to fund the development of future or multiple games.


Working with one of the founding directors, we developed project budgets, enhanced the monthly reporting and established cashflow forecasting. Quarterly reviews and updates allowed for the discussions of future options and updates to plans. We looked to structure and capture information in such a way to take full advantage of the research and development tax credits and the new games tax relief available in their industry.


Rodeo’s increased financial management and disciplines enhanced their credibility with the bank and helped secure competitive funding for the next three titles. Having access to a part-time FD has helped bolster the management team and secured an insight into the roadmap for the business for the next 2 years.